Monday, October 29, 2007

Gas Line

Here's the link to the original post about the need to replace the gas line.

This was a lot faster than digging the trench by hand:

A friend with a tractor and the small back-hoe attachment came over and dug the trench and backfilled it in about a half a day (Thanks, Junior!).

Here's the view from the street above:

Here's a picture of the required plastic gas line:

Remember the Curb Box that was such a problem to locate?
Look right below the yellow line painted on the stone:

Here's a close-up:

It's not really a box at all, but a plain-looking shut-off valve. The reason it was so hard to find is because it was so far below the surface. And this is after they raised it!

The painted yellow line was so we didn't lose it again.

There are a few more updates that need done before we can have it pressure tested. However, that should be done by the end of the week and then we'll be able to get a meter hooked up and start checking out the furnaces....

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