Thursday, January 3, 2008

Phase II

PC has been scraping out the last remnants of the demolition.

We are now entering phase two of the Coffee House project!

What that really means is:

  1. I have quite a few pictures that I want to share. Some are just shots of miscellaneous stuff that we've found in and around The 123 that I've never posted on here before and
  2. PC is doing prep work for the drywall. However, we don't expect to even think about hanging drywall until (hopefully early) February.
  3. We've spent some time laying out the floor plan! This part is fun (mostly) because all the hard work that's gone into gutting out and cleaning up has (finally!) paid off. The work is not over, not by a long shot, but the reality of creating a great new Coffee House for downtown Grafton is beginning to cause a bit of excitement for PC and I. Construction is so much better than deconstruction! (Remind me I said that when we get a few months in.)
  4. We're going to be -sometime before the end of January- hanging a very simple sign on the outside of the Coffee House. The sign will serve as the Official Announcement (yay!). A few folks already know what all the activity at The 123 has been about, but for those who don't, we'll simply be pointing them towards this website.
  5. AND, because we'll be pointing Grafton folks towards this website, I am going to be moving this blog and replacing our home page with a basic summary page rather than this rambling-bloggity-blog. But don't worry; I'm not going anywhere. I will still be updating and adding to this Blog, but it'll just be linked off of the main site. I will try to keep the navigation easy by making links simple and prominent. Notice I said I will try. That means I need your help with feedback to let me know I'm not screwing anything up too bad. If it's easy to find, I'm happy. If you get lost and can't figure out where anything went, then I'm screwing it up. Please let me know both ways, but be sure to tell me if you find a problem that I've overlooked. I will keep my email linked, too. However, if I screw that up, too, my email is or

Stay tuned for pictures...


Jaime said...

Oh that's cool! I live in Fairmont and travel through Grafton from time to time. I'm glad to see a coffee house going in. My mother in law, Granny Sue, directed me to your blog. When your open my family and I will definitely make it your way.

Jaime Ford

MK said...

Thanks, Tiger Lady.
I look forward to seeing you there.