Friday, March 13, 2009

The 123's Guiding Principles

The Grafton 123 was founded on the belief that a business can be both ethical and profitable.

The idea which shapes The Grafton 123’s interactions with others is this:
What you give, you will ultimately receive.
Call it what you wish - karma, an eye-for-an-eye, the universal law of attraction –there are many names for the golden rule of ‘do unto others…’ but it all comes back to the individual: How do you want to be treated?

The Grafton 123…
…provides superior coffee in a gracious atmosphere.
Gracious is defined as “kind and polite,” “full of tact,” and “luxurious and elegant.”
These qualities are expressed in the cleanliness, the service, the coffee, and the attitudes of the people who represent The 123.
…provides a respite -- a haven -- for the people who visit. The 123 is both a shelter and an assemblage.
…supports information exchange as a means for development, both personal and communal.
…encourages and supports growth: individual growth for both customers and employees, economic growth for itself, surrounding businesses, and the local economy.
…enhances and supports Grafton’s and Taylor County’s efforts to become a popular destination for tourists by promoting our unique attractions.

.…promotes ‘thinking outside the box.’ Just because something has always been done in a certain way, does not doom us to the same forever. What can make the situation better? What can we do to improve? Think.

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