Thursday, November 8, 2007

Gas Line...Ack!

I just started a post, and then I lost it. I have no idea where it went and I looked for it everywhere.
Anyway, I will try again....

When you walk into the Grafton 123 (when we open sometime next year), you can feel safe. Very, very safe. At least from any type of gas leak or gas explosion or any other type of gas-related accident. The safety standards required by the gas company are strict!
We passed the pressure test! Yay!
I did not get a picture of the highly-sensitive pressure monitoring seismology-looking equipment. Sorry, but I've been home all week with a feverish 7 year old. Poor kid has been anywhere from 99.0 to 103.8. Fortunately, with the help of a wide variety of Gatorade colors, he has been well hydrated. (Have you seen some of the new Gatorade stuff? They have Gatorade Rain and the Lime flavor is kind of a pale psychodelic green that puts me in mind of black cauldrons and eye-of-newt. When I see it outside of the Gatorade bottle in a clear glass, it makes me want to scream, "Don't drink that!")
Today I called the doctor, but with no openings and no other symptoms and the large intake of Gatorade, they told me to call them back if his fever spikes again. So far so good, though. It hasn't been back up since early this morning and he's eaten twice and switched from Gatorade to apple juice and a glass of milk.
He looks like he's finally kicked whatever nasty bug got him. Thankfully.
So, anyway, the gas line gauntlet is not over yet. They are going (maybe did already) to hook up the line to the curb box and install a meter. We have to get a licensed HVAC technician in there to inspect the furnace before they will turn on the gas. And if the furnace doesn't pass inspection or the pilot light won't stay lit when the gas gets turned on, then they'll turn it right back off.
Rigid. Safe.
Safe is good, but I have to keep reminding myself of the safe part.

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