Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Adding On: Progress Pics

Ridgepole construction is almost complete in this picture:

Here's the "topping off" flag:

'Topping off' is explained well in this article:
“Topping off” a building is an old tradition among construction workers. When the topmost structural element of a multi-story building is in place, workers signify the occasion by placing a small evergreen tree or flag on top. The new ARC building has both. Often, construction workers sign the last steel beam before it is hoisted into place.
"According to some traditions, the tree symbolize that construction so far has occurred without injury or death to the workers, while others say it provides good luck to the future inhabitants.
"Scott L. Melnick wrote in the December, 2000, issue of Modern Steel Construction that the origin of the practice is uncertain but likely traces back thousands of years to either Scandinavians or Germans, who often built with the plentiful evergreen trees scattered throughout northern Europe. Some legends, Melnick said, even date the practice back to early Romans. "

I've seen PC 'top off' quite a few buildings. He's used both evergreens and flags. It's almost Memorial Day in the Memorial City, so the flag seems appropriate.

The roof rafters begin (yep, the flag is still there, just hard to see):

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