Monday, March 3, 2008

Brick/Block Cutting, again

I do have pictures of drywall progress, but I'm pretty sick of drywall, so I'm changing the subject...

The window that faces Main Street is too small.
Okay, the window isn't really all that small, but you have to be standing up to see out of it (and for me, tip-toes help).

Remember when PC cut the door into the brick wall on the west side? Well, this was very similar, only the brick on this side of the building is just facade and not structural; the cinderblocks on the inside are the structural support.

They used the same saw, only this time they hooked it up to the hose to keep the dust down. You can see the water marks on the brick below the cut in this picture:

Here's a closer view:

And closer still:

And from the inside looking out:

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