Friday, May 16, 2008

Interior Update - Half of Almost Nothing

I promised you an interior update this week and all of a sudden it's Friday. So, here goes:

This first picture looks like nothing, which, let me tell you, is better than looking like brick or 2x4s or insulation or bare drywall.
Because this nothing is actually progress:

This view is a little wider - it actually looks like a little more than nothing:

What is all this nothing?
Primer. The pre-coat coat of paint. So, in a puzzling sort of way, even though I'm not really painting, I'm actually going through all the motions of painting; I'm priming.

It almost looks like something in this view:

See all these angles and corners? This is why it's taken me so long to mud and sand everything. Well, okay, that's one (good) reason.

I'm tempted to stop here. It actually looks as if I've accomplished something, doesn't it? I suppose I have, but it seems so slow (and messy).
If I back up and take a picture -looking up towards the ceiling- you can see that I'm not finished.
This picture is a little dizzying:

But this one is more clear:

Really, I'm about half way. Actually, I'm a lot further than that, because I'm almost ready to prime this other half, too. I just finished sanding it yesterday and later today I will patch a few rough spots. After it dries, I'll sand it again with a finer sandpaper and it's ready to prime.

Why did I do it in halves? Because I just couldn't wrap my head around the whole thing at once. Knowing I was done with half, and only had half more to go, was a strategy to preserve my sanity.
Did it work?


Soosan said...

Your site, Mary Kay, keeps us all posted on your life and I feel as though I am knowing you better, day by day.
When, mind you I say when, the TCAC oks it, would it be alright to add your link to the TCAC Yahoo group?The group its self will change to Taylor County Arts Council, as soon as it is ok'ed.

Thank you for all your hard, work, most of us are living through you vicariously as you continue to work so hard. :)

MK said...

I didn't know you had a blog!
I would be honored to be linked through the Arts Council's site.
I need to update my links, too. I want to add your blog and a few other local things. If I miss anything I should know about, please let me know.
As for all of our hard work on The 123 - I hope, in a few short months, to open up and share it with everyone; that's the reward.

Granny Sue said...

It's looking good, MK. Nice color.