Monday, June 16, 2008

Step Elimination - More concrete

When The 123 was a dentist office, it had a double entrance in from the street: You pushed the commercial door and walked into a small foyer with two doors. One door leads upstairs (it's still there) and the other door (which is not there) led into the waiting room. The walls that created the small hallway -and the waiting room and the reception desk and the exam rooms- are no longer there; they haven't been for some time, but that series of small steps that made up the foyer were still there. Until last weekend.

In order to gain a small amount of floor space and to make fewer corners for tiling, PR and Curtis formed the little instep, mixed a couple of bags of concrete, and filled in the hole.

This is PR smoothing out the concrete:

PR (foreground) and Curtis (doorway) finishing up:

This creates a 3 foot wide entry with just one step up and no asides leading to the door at the bottom of the steps.
I've already tiled over it; I'll be getting those pics up soon, but I'm leaving now to go tile some more....


Anonymous said...

All I can say is nothing because your blog is not interesting to read.

Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.