Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moose In the Parking Lot

I'm not kidding.

I didn't even realize there was a moose in the parking lot until I was busy sorting and compressing pictures, but sure enough, a moose showed up in the same picture as a wheelbarrow load of asphalt!

Here, look:


Alright, so it's not a real moose, but I didn't intend to snap the picture this way. I was, however, fascinated with the idea of sand dunes in Canada. That's what the side of this U-Haul was telling me.

To look at the critter's antlers, I almost called it an elk. Its face is definitely moose-ish, but the antlers are questionable. Maybe it's just because I cut off the rest of this guy and all of his moose buddies when I took this picture.

We've had some interesting things in the parking lot and now that work has started outside, I imagine there'll be more.

I have a few more posts coming up about what's going on outside. Keep checking in.

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