Thursday, April 10, 2008


I mentioned earlier that I am not a very fast drywall mudder ('mudder' is probably not a word, but you know what I mean). Well, I have to also add that I am messy.
This first picture shows a new bucket of drywall mud with my mixer in it. I've never added water to a new bucket before, but figured I'd give it a try. I added about a quart and the end result was very smooth. A bit droopy, but it worked rather well to keep the mud coats thin - which will mean less sanding.
See my feet? One has a running shoe on it and the other one is furry. Oh, wait, no, that's not mine - I had two shoes on - that's Maisie. She came to hang out with me. I think I have a picture of her in the bathroom; I'll post it later.
You can see the drill at the top left of the picture and the water is splattered all over the floor (see? I said I was messy).

Just a random shot of two coats of mud in the back corner of the bathroom ceiling (it looks as if this was after a light sanding after the second coat - see the smeary looking dust around the edges of the white?):

My clothes look like this, too:

At least this stuff washes off. I'm going to have to dig out some crappy old painting clothes soon, though.

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