Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Front Window(s)

All the pictures I took of the inside front wall have been marred by the two blocks at the bottom of the old windows. (Sorry, I'm too lazy to link it to an old post right now - you can find it if you look, or let me know you're interested and I'll find it. It probably took me as long to write this as it would have to go find it and link it...)
On July 4th, the blocks were removed and the window was installed. Actually, it's windows, plural, as it made more sense cost-wise and headache-wise (trying to find that large of a window that opened the way we wanted, etc.) to install two smaller windows.

Here's the hole in the wall:

Notice the wet tile. I was just finishing up with the grout.

Here's another view (with the tile again):

Outside, on the sidewalk:

And check this out:

See the thin layer of face brick? That's the new stuff that was applied to the blockwork to make the outside look good. I'm not sure when that was done, but mid-80s is a good guess. What a difference in building technique from the three-bricks-thick-interlocking method of the 1890s!

I can't resist another shot of the tile (it looks pretty good, huh?):

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