Monday, July 14, 2008

Quick catch-up post

I worked all weekend at The 123 as usual, but I caught myself not taking pictures.
I have become the "Wait! Let me get a picture of that!" person recently, so not taking pictures is a cause for concern.
Because I realized that not taking pictures is a small way of saving myself some work. More to the point, it's a way of not feeling like I'm so far behind with this blog.
Lame, huh?
I still didn't take any pictures.
But I did send M around with the camera a couple of times and there are plenty of end-product pictures I can still snap that will represent this past weekend.
So, this week I will make an effort to post several times, even if the posts are mostly pictures.
And today I will take more pictures.

The HVAC system installation starts today; it should be complete by Wednesday.
Now if I could just figure out what happened to the front door...

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